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Strategic Plan

Strategic Process

The 2025 comprehensive plan will run through July 2020 to June 2025 and will set the agenda for the next five years as we build upon and celebrate 50 years as providers of high quality education and workforce training for a diverse student body.

Mindful of our past and what we do best, the education of our students grounds our mission. The competitive and ever-changing landscape of higher education makes it essential that, in addition to identifying strategic priorities, we maintain a flexible approach that allows us to take advantage of opportunities that arise during the execution of the plan.

During the 2019-20 academic year, a Strategic Plan Committee consisting of students, faculty, staff, and administrators convened to review data and recommend the strategic direction for the Five-Year Strategic Plan and review the mission statement of the college. All departments and Board of Visitors were provided a SWOT analysis template for completion. In addition, all employees, community members, students, alumni, board members, and parents were surveyed. The Strategic Planning Committee met, reviewed the SWOTs and stakeholder survey results, and developed four strategic priorities with implementation strategies. The draft plan was shared across the college and with the board before creation of the final document.

Strategic Planning Committee:

Dr. Steve Cole, Chancellor
Dr. Ashley Aylett, Vice Chancellor for Academics
Mike Kinkade, Vice Chancellor for Facilities
Charlotte Johnson, Vice Chancellor for Business Services
Barry Reed, Director of Little River Campus
Ben Renfrow, Marketing and Advancement
Tiana Kelly, Business Office
Jason Curtis, Police Officer and Safety Operations
Tommi Cobb, Director of Institutional Research/Assessment
Hollie Jones, Faculty
Dr. Michael Guillory, Faculty
Lauren Young, Faculty
Alondra Galvez, Student
Angel Espinoza, Student


UA Cossatot’s stakeholders are those on whom the success or failure of the institution depend. Students, parents of students, employees, legislators, feeder schools, industry partners, the general population, and other two- and four-year universities represent the stakeholders.

2025 Strategic Objectives

Enhance and expand innovative teaching, use of technology, and learning practices that support quality education for all through the assessment of student learning

Objective 1.1 Foster a culture of faculty collaboration

Objective 1.2 Enhance teaching and learning

Objective 1.3 Expand co-curricular opportunities

Objective 1.4 Implement and improve tactics to increase completion rates

Create an environment that provides equity and increases access to education by embracing students and advancing them toward goal clarity and completion

Objective 2.1 Increase student success using a holistic approach addressing underrepresented students’ academic and life challenges

Objective 2.2 Improve college readiness by collaborating with community-based organizations, local school districts, and adult education programs

Objective 2.3 Analyze the student experience to ensure services meet the needs of students

Objective 2.4 Promote diversity and cultural awareness college-wide

Enhance and cultivate partnerships in business/industry, education, and the community

Objective 3.1 Increase the amount of customized training and continuing education offered

Objective 3.2 Provide career counseling and services to match students with local employers

Objective 3.3 Align programs for student needs with workforce demands

Objective 3.4 Strengthen communication, relationships, and connections with key community partners (K12, four-year institutions, business and industry)

Create a sustainable model for long-term growth with a focus on continuous improvement, a culture of communication, and enrollment management.


Objective 4.1 Establish processes and programs to proactively focus on employment recruitment, retention, development, and performance

Objective 4.2 Utilize technology and data to advance operational effectiveness and business process efficiency

Objective 4.3 Develop and implement revenue streams that address strategic priorities to increase revenue

Objective 4.4 Enhance the learning and working environment with equitable and accessible facilities and technology

Strategic Plan PDFs

UA Cossatot 2025 Strategic Plan Year Two Update Report

UA Cossatot 2020/2021 Annual Report

UA Cossatot 2020 Strategic Plan Final Report (Spring 2020)

UA Cossatot 2020 Strategic Plan Mid-Point Strategic Plan Update (2018)

UA Cossatot 2020 Strategic Plan

Cossatot Project 2016

Enrollment Management and Retention Plan

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